
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mimi's Flan & The Yard Sale

I love flan, so last week I made one. Whenever I make it everyone in my family just loves it and says it's soooo delicious and creamy. That night I had a dream about flan. My kitchen was full of eggs, milk, and sugar. I had orders to fill, deliveries to make, deadlines to meet. When I woke up I was exhausted. I went right to the computer to research it. Living in a community which is over 65 per cent Hispanic, was a good thing, since flan is a Spanish dessert. I decided maybe I could make it and sell it for the holidays, who knows, maybe become famous! I made flyers, I emailed all my friends. I got an order the first day!!!

That afternoon when I picked up my grandkids from school they had a notice to parents about the Annual PTA yard sale the next Saturday. Omg this was just perfect timing, I could make flan to sell, and give out sample tastes along with the flyers. Before I booked a spot I called Nana to see if she wanted to participate, knowing all the while that she would, and of course the answer was a big affirmative. Nana, is my mom, and she gets really excited when she hears the words "yard sale", or "thrift store". Not to mention that she finds it really hard to pass by a trash pile without slowing down. So we were on!!

The day before the yard sale we went on a shopping spree buying eggs, milk, sugar, baking pans, and whatever else we need to promote the flan. We also collected and boxed up items around the house that we could sell. Goodness knows we had many items we hadn't used in a year, at least that's what they say, "If you haven't used it in a year, you don't need it". But Nana does not believe in that. Oh no, I don't need this, oh yes, maybe I might need it one day, no wait, you never know, the minute I get rid of it I'll need it, oh whatever, just throw it in the box!!!!

The night before the big yard sale we were all full of excitement. Kelsey, Tyler & Nishelle, were spending the night at Mimi's house with Nana and going to the yard sale too. Nana and I were getting everything ready and all we could smell was the aroma of flan (custard) baking in the oven. We put all the househould item in boxes in the suv. I finished cooking the flan around 1am and put it in the frig to cool overnight.

I got out of bed at 6am and at 6:10am Nana was calling me on my cell phone from her bedroom to make sure I was awake. We had to be at the school and set up by 8am. Miss Sparky, as I sometimes call her, was raring to go. She is definitely a morning person. I on the other hand, move very slow early in the morning. I had to have my coffee. The school was only ten minutes away. We put the flan on ice, jumped in the suv and headed out.

It was a beautiful morning, about 75 degrees. It was so much fun getting everything set up on the table, making it look good to sell. We cut pieces of flan and put it in small plastic bowls and started giving it out for people to taste. Then we started cutting 50 cent pieces and one dollar pieces. It went like hotcakes. I started getting orders for Thanksgiving. We sold some of our household items too. We had so much fun, meeting and talking with people. The kids had a blast talking to their friends, eating and drinking and buying little toys from the other vendors.

All in all it was a very good family day. And we made some friends along the way.

Hope you enjoyed this, and let me know if you have ever tasted flan and if you like it........

All My Luv, Joyce

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