
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mimi's Flan Recipe Repost

Here you have the ingredients.

1/3 cup of sugar
8 extra large egg yolks
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup whole milk
1 cup evaporated milk
1 can condensed milk (14oz.)
1 -8 oz. cream cheese (room temp)
Unsalted butter for pan

The first thing you want to do is caramelize 1/3 cup if sugar on low heat.
While the sugar is melting, butter the bottom and sides of an 8x8 pan. Please excuse my scratchy pan. I promise I will buy a new one. It's just my favorite "flan pan".

Stir it and stir it, so it doesn't burn.

It should look like this.

As soon as it's completely melted (don't over cook) and has a nice color like this, poor it into the pan. Don't try to spread it around, just poor it in and set aside. It's going to get hard right away, but don't worry.

Now combine the egg yolks, 1/2 cup of sugar, vanilla, and salt in a bowl.
Whisk well.
In another bowl combine room temperature cream cheese and whole milk. This step is very important because you want to make sure the cream cheese and the milk combine well. You can warm the cup of whole milk slightly so that it helps melt the cream cheese and there's no lumps.
Then add evaporated milk and condensed milk, (do not heat), and combine well.

Now combine the egg bowl with the milk bowl and whisk well.

Pour into pan right on top of hardened caramelized sugar. As it cooks in the water bath the caramelized sugar melts and spreads all over the bottom of the pan. Place pan inside a much larger pan and fill with hot water half way up the sides. Cook at 325 degrees for 1 hour. Remove from the of oven and let it cool. After it cools cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate 3-4 hours or overnight.

Next day invert the flan onto a plate and this how it should look.

Serve in small squares and spoon some caramelized sugar on top. Other toppings you could use would be a dab of cool whip, or a spoon full of sweetened coconut is also very good. One more thing. You can make the flan without the cream cheese. You just combine all ingredients together in one bowl and continue from there. It is also very good!!!!
I hope you enjoy this creamy custard dessert.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I Wish You Love and Happy Cooking,


  1. Nope, leave that cream cheese in there! I LOVE, like seriously LOVE cheese flan! Good stuff!

    Happy Turkey Day!


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