
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Name This Building.....

Do you recognize this building? Take a good look...

I thought I might take some pics of places around the old neighborhood, so you could see how things have changed down through the years. This is now a church, but everyone who is from the old neighborhood will remember "Bennett's Drug Store". When I was thirteen my dad would let me drive our car to Bennett's and back all by myself. I'll never forget it because I would get so excited, first that I could drive, because I loved driving, but also that he would let me drive all the way to Bennett's by myself, no one else in the car. I thought it was the coolest thing ever! I felt so grown and it gave me a lot of confidence. There wasn't much traffic back then, and he could almost watch me the whole way since it was straight down 13th Avenue. But he would hide behind the bushes and I wouldn't see him until I got closer to 112th Street. When you think about it, it was pretty cool that he had enough faith in me to let me do it. It was a very cool thing for a father to do.

I hope I have rekindled some good memories you have of Bennett's.

My Love To All Of You,


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