
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Be Frugal & Save

One dollar flip flops from the Dollar Store!

Okay ladies and gents, I don't know about you, but when I go the the grocery store I talk to a lot of people who are just like me, trying to pick and choose what they buy nowadays. I usually am looking for what's on sale and what's in season, and plan my meals around that. I check the weekly ads for the two grocery stores in my area which are Winn Dixie and Publix. Lately Publix is where I go since they have better deals that suit me. Publix has an "essentials list" of savings which includes milk for $2.89, eggs $.99, bread $.99, and a few other items that change weekly. And every week they have new "Buy one get one free" items . I buy only if it's worth it, you should be careful. I only buy what we like and will eat. I don't buy it just because it's on sale.

When the canned vegetables, condiments, bacon, hotdogs, juices, cleaning products, frozen foods, medicines, shampoos & conditioners, peanut butter, jellies, dairy foods, breads, are "Buy one get one free", I stock up.

Winn Dixie always has "Buy one get one free" in their meat, poultry, seafood section. I really don't find it a deal for me because the price per pound is usually high. If it's meat or poultry you need to check the price per pound, and buy when it's on sale.

I will not pay $5.99 for a half gallon of ice cream, I wait until it goes on sale and I get 2 half gallons for $6.00. Watch out for the smaller 1.75 quart size of ice cream they they want you to think is a half gallon.

I make cookies instead of buying them already made, unless it's buy one/get one free, and it has to be a good amount of cookies like Oreo's. Homemade cakes are less expensive, or you can buy cake mixes when they are buy one/get one free. I have been saving money by making jello and pudding. We add whipped topping and it's so good. The kids just love it.

I also have the vegetable guys all over the neighborhood where I get garlic, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, jalapenos, watermelons, zucchini, and eggplant very cheap. Of course if you grow your own it's even better.

I buy laundry detergent when it's on sale. I use a half a cup per load, and it lasts longer. Same with the fabric softener. I do like certain brands so I try to get them on sale and use less.

I also go to the "Dollar Store" where I only buy Made in the USA, and where everything in the store is $1.

The dollar stores get new items in every week. I have learned to take some items and leave some items. Not everything is good, just because it's a dollar. But there are a lot of items you can find if you check every week and you can save a lot of money.

So ladies, just shop around and you can find good deals. Check the adds before you go. Take your calculator. Be frugal and save!!!!

These are some of the items that I find at the dollar store for just one dollar!

Two bars for a dollar.

Four for a dollar.

I don't know why, I just wanted you to know. I didn't mean for this post to be soooo long, sorry:)

I Wish You Love and Super Savings!!!!



  1. oh your so right. i am a dollar store shopper too. and i do sales at our store. i especially love the $1 bags of veggies that i can take home, clean up and freeze to cook later. in this day and age all are finding they have to find ways to make ends meet.

  2. I always forget the dollar store has things like that! One big saver for us has really been costco. I share a membership with a close family member and so I pay $25 for a year. I can get 2 gallons of milk for just over $3, and 2 doz eggs for about $1.50. 5lbs of cheese is around $10. Those are our staples, and just the milk alone has saved us enough to cover the membership fee!

    Just got to remember to stick to the list when you go in ;)


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