
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Morning Cafe Con Leche

This morning I'm doing two of my favorite things. Drinking Cafe Con Leche(coffee with milk) and watching "The Godfather" for the infinite number of times I have watched it and will continue to watch forever and ever.

This is how I make the cafe con leche.

I make expresso in my old reliable Krups expresso machine.

It is old. I've had it probably about ten years, but it makes wonderful expresso. Notice the handle on the little pot is gone.
So when the first drops of expresso start coming out of the expresso machine, I grab a few so I can make the "espumita", (foam) which is about six teaspoons of sugar and maybe a teaspoon of coffee, that I put in this little stainless steel pitcher.

I then whip it with a spoon until is makes a thick paste like this.

When the express is done I pour it into the paste and the foam rises to the top like this.

Then I heat up a cup of milk until it just starts to boil.

I pour the heated milk in a cup.

Add the expresso to the milk.

I add another teaspoon or two of sugar to the cup, depends upon how sweet you like it.

And there you have it. It's sooooo good:).

"Mimi's Cafe Con Leche"

Hope you try it and like it.

I Wish You Love & A Good Cup of Coffee On A Sunday Morning,



  1. That looks so good...I think I will make some for us..

  2. I have the exact same espresso machine! I got it for free and it is missing a few parts. Do you know the model name of it?


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