
Friday, April 3, 2009

Goodbye Spring

Well Spring Break is next week, but Spring is over in Miami, it is now Summer. Went up to 90 degrees today. So it's back to shorts and tank tops, and those rubber flip flops in every color to match the outfit. The one sweater that I own went to the back of the closet today and won't be touched again until the next time it gets all the way down to 50 degrees, and that won't be until next January or February. Who knows when.

Oh how I wish I had put the swimming pool in the back yard last winter, is what you'll be hearing around here. Air conditioners will be on constantly and the electric bills will start to go up. From noon until 3 pm is not the best time to go outside, early morning or early evening is good. Sunglasses, hats, umbrellas, canopies, picnic tables, above ground pools, bathing suits, barbecue grills, and flip flops, are soon to be very popular in the store. And did I mention flip flops?????

I sometimes think about when I was young and we didn't have air conditioning. I don't remember how I felt then. I don't remember being hot or uncomfortable. We just lived without it. I was happy.

Anyway, I am very grateful for air conditioning, every time I walk out my door and the hot air hits me like when you open the oven door and it hits you in the face. Not to mention that I have menopause. We will not get into that right now, that's another whole story, if you know what I mean.

I am a Miami Native and proud, but I sure would love Spring weather for a little while longer. It was just so nice while it lasted. Oh well, nothing lasts forever. The way times flying for me it'll be September before I know it. I won't be too happy about that either because I'll have another birthday in September, and goodness knows I'm not looking forward to another birthday!!!!!!

So goodbye Spring, I so enjoyed you and I'm sad to see you go........

I Wish You Love and Wish Me Luck This Summer,

1 comment:

  1. Love your new header Joyce - so pretty!

    I know what you mean, though with our humidity here, with the exception of maybe 3 or 4 VERY cold winter days, pretty much my A/C stays on year round. (I've got the meno thing going too and like last night for instance, my A/C was set on 65 when I went to bed) It's been super muggy here the past few days already. You'll soon be hearing me whine about the heat because I don't sweat so I can't really take the heat for long without getting overheated.

    Did you know that my birthday is also in September??? That's so funny!

    Well, hope you have a great weekend!


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