
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Green Cabbage With Bacon Bits & Onion

When I went to see the vegetable guy this past weekend he had some nice heads of cabbage. Cabbage is not something that I cook a lot, just usually when I make corned beef and cabbage on St. Patty's Day. But it looked so good and was so fresh I bought one and brought it home. So I'm thinking, I used to see my Uncle Chic making cabbage all the time. So I called my mom, and she told me how he made it. He served it with fried chicken, or ham, or whatever meat he had, and cornbread, as always. I made a meal of it. Many times the meal was just a vegetable like this and cornbread. They didn't always have to have meat. Like when my Grandma Daisy made a big pot of white Lima beans with ham, we ate that with cornbread and that was our meal, and a delicious one at that!


1/2 head of green cabbage(cut up)
1/2 lb. of bacon
1 medium yellow onion
Salt & pepper to taste

In a heavy skillet on medium heat cook the bacon until crisp.

Remove the bacon from the skillet and place it on paper towel to drain.

Remove all the bacon grease from the skillet except for about a 1/2 cup.

Saute the onion in the bacon grease until translucent.

Add the cut up cabbage to skillet with 1/2 cup of water and the bacon bits.

Salt & pepper to taste.

Cover and let the cabbage steam, keep your eye on it and turn a couple of
times while steaming.

When the cabbage becomes translucent it's done.

I had this by itself (trying not to eat too much meat and it does have bacon in it) and I just loved it. Served it to my husband with a steak and he loved it. Can be served with corned beef, steak, ham, chicken, or pork, and of course a nice piece of cornbread. I used the other half head of cabbage to make coleslaw.



  1. I love cabbage! My husband won't eat it, so whenever I make it, it's all for me. :) This is pretty much how I do mine too. Yum!!

  2. OINK~~~OINK!!!

    I do love cabbage and this sounds like a great recipe! I too remember not always having meat for meals when I was a kid. I could not get away with it with my meat-eatin' man that is for sure!

    This would be great with fresh 'maters out of the garden and a pone of cornbread as you mentioned...oh and some sweet tea...*smacks lips*

  3. Sweat tea was always there:), and still is!!!!

  4. Tammy, you sound like my kind of gal!!!!

  5. Mary,

    I didn't think mine would eat it either, but you know men like bacon so when he saw the bacon he tried it and he liked it.

  6. LOVE this dish!! Cabbage is one of my favorites add bacon to it and youve got a stellar side dish!

  7. Cabbage is a vegetable which is composed of water but contain potassium, magnesium and vitamins that help our body. Many people like to prepare salad or another kind of recipe. You mus to approach all the propeties this vegetable.

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