
Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Want To Go Back..........

To the days when kids could play outside all day without harm, as long as they made it home for dinner.

To the days when brothers watched out for their sisters and sisters took care of their brothers.

To the days when you answered the telephone and the person calling would ask how you were and mean it.

To the days when family reunions were held every year in Georgia and over 500 showed up, and the food was outrageous!!!!
To the days when fathers got home from work and still had time to play a game of touch football with his kids.

To Sunday dinners at Grandma's house.

To Easter picnics with family and friends, out in the woods, covered dishes, Easter egg hunt, softball, volleyball, and the egg toss.

To the days when people had manners, morals, and etiquette.

To the days when little girls were always reminded by their mothers to sit up straight and act like a lady.

To the days when daddy's checked out their daughter's date and gave him the third degree.

To the days when dinner was at 5pm and we all sat down together, said a prayer for the food we had to eat, and happily ate whatever was on the table.

To the days when people were kind and not hateful towards each other.

To the days when neighbors watched out for neighbors.
To the days when parents made sure that kids who had fights shook hands and made up.

To the days when the children played dodge ball in the middle of the street and the drivers knew to watch out for them.

To the days when the milkman delivered fresh milk and eggs at the back door.

To the family gathering every evening after work under the big ole tree at grandma's.

To Saturday's at the roller rink.

To the days when all the kids in the neighborhood would grab their bats, balls, and gloves and meet at the school to play a game of softball.

To taking ballet, tap, and modern jazz lessons every Saturday only cost $6.

To the days having slumber parties.

To the days when children were taught to respect their elders.

I want those days back, how about you?

Tell me what you miss about the old days.

I Wish You Love and Memories of the Good Old Days!



    Made me homesick for my youth...all of it!!

  2. Well thought out post Joyce. I miss those days too.

    I was just thinking the other day when they were showing a bridge repair on our local news, how my Grandma and me used to go under that bridge on the pier and set out crab traps and sit there for hours to catch crabs. Then later, she would make a gumbo and put those fresh, split crab backs in the gumbo and you'd eat the gumbo and then pick the crabs and get all messy. Man that was good! But I hadn't even thought about that in years, until I saw that section of the bridge on the news and it triggered the memory. My Grandma lived to be 97 but she must've been pretty young back then because I was! I sure miss her.

  3. I love, love, love this question and your pictures. I am going to comment... I just have been so busy.
    but REALLY notstalgia--I just love it.
    I'll be back tomorrow.

  4. Lovely thoughts and pictures! I miss kids just calling out other kids to explore the parks and ins and outs of the neighbourhood. I have lovely memories of traipsing around in the nearby woods building forts.


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