
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I got her smiling, which is a great accomplishment!!

She does not like her picture taken.

You are 13 years old, soon to be 14, our teenager, and so beautiful
Caught in the middle of child's mind and a young woman's body
How will you handle what life has in store for you?
What can I tell you to make you life easier?
Will you listen or will you have to learn about life the hard way?

You are the oldest of three and you faithfully watch out for your brother and sister
You obey mommy and daddy, and you are trustworthy and helpful
You are very loving and a wonderful girl
This is the beginning of your teenage years full of fun, friends, and learning

We can only talk to you and love you, and be a good example for you to follow

I wish you love and happiness and joy and hope.

Love You Dearly, Mimi


  1. What a nice tribute.. she is a cutie pie!

  2. the best thing i told my daughter is that with each new stage of her life she could not imagine all the changes it would bring and how exciting they all are.
    she agrees now as she looks back.
    we did this from elementry to jr high to high school to college
    now if i say it she gets all excited trying to figure out what will happen that she never thought of

  3. That age was awkward for my son - he went from being very obedient and listening to his mom, to "blossoming" overnight from a boy to a man and suddenly sassy and a handful. He challenged me so much that I never thought he'd live to see 18 I swear LOL!! He did and once he hit about 20 he was back to himself.

  4. What a little cutie she is! I love the wonderful letter. She will treasure that :)

  5. that was not funny and you put me in my ugly uniform clothes....

  6. Love these pictures of Kelsey. I copied on of hem to my blog. You have to check it out.


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