
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hollywood Beach at the Diane Motel..............


Ashley & Rhonda

The sand was soooo hot!


Our umbrella's

Johnny Angel

The blimp

It was a beautiful day


The view was awesome!

Tyler & Kelsey


Nana and Ashley

Kelsey, Tyler & Nishelle

Hallandale Beach Boulevard

Every summer my late beloved brother, Johnny, would take a vacation with his girls at the Diane Motel on Hollywood Beach. He would call everyone he knew and tell them to drop by. Wonderful times and fun memories were had by all. My sister-in-law, Betty continues to do this every summer on Stephanie's Birthday and to honor Johnny who was loved my so many.

Thanks Betty for a wonderful day!

Love, Joyce


  1. What lovely pictures. Nishelle, pretty name.

    How nice of your sister in law to honor his memory this way!

  2. what a beautiful thing to do in honor of your brother. I am sure he is smiling from up above.

  3. Hey Aunt Joyce,
    Small world The Diane Motel is where my family has gone since I was a kid. Right there on Hollywood Beach is where Marshall & I always bring the kids. I absolutely LOVE it!!!! I was raised a beach bum. I love the everglades, but one of these days I am retiring on a beach-somewhere! LOL
    Love ya,

  4. You have the best vacation photos! The beach looks so inviting!

  5. Aw...lovely! I'm so jealous of your beach shots...palm trees!!! No palm trees in Indiana :(

  6. What a beatiful rememberance. I think this is a great way to continue to celebrate someone's life. The beach looks great and seems like you all had one heck of a time.!! I miss the beach, havn't been this year. Maybe when the tourists go back home?

  7. Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing!

  8. That's an awesome way to honor your brother!


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