
Friday, October 30, 2009

All I know is that it tasted really good and we ate it.....

Every now and then I just feel like cooking and inventing at the same time, kind of like freelance cooking. Grabbing what I have on hand and going with it. The other day I was making cheeseburgers for the grands and had half of the ground chuck left over. So, I started thinking. What can I make? I looked in the pantry. Kelsey (the oldest, and my spicy food partner) said, Mimi, what are you gonna make?" I said, "I don't know but I really want to make something spicy." So we started inventing!!!! Here's what we came up with:).

I got my favorite cast iron skillet in the whole world and I browned the ground chuck until there was no pink left.

Diced up some onion and green pepper, and garlic.

Drained the ground chuck.

Sauteed the onion, green pepper and garlic in olive oil.

Added salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin, oregano, 1l2 can of tomato sauce and let it cook for a bit.

Added the ground chuck and a can of black beans and a couple of spoonfuls of salsa.

Let those flavors simmer for a few.

Kelsey suggested we should eat it on a bed of white rice, so I made some white rice in the rice maker. And there you have it. Our invention!! Tyler said it smelled like chili. They loved it!!!! It was sooooo good and a no brainer to make. And the avocado on the side was just awesome!!!!!!

I love to cook like this every now and then. It's fun and there's not telling what you might come up with.

I Wish You Love and The Pleasures Of Cooking,



  1. It's a mostly dry chili and it sounds terrific

    Every ingredient is a winner, so the finished product will be incredible! (but a little ugly)

  2. This would also be a great burrito filling, I can see a million possibilities. It dosn't look ugly to me (like the previous post) it looks yummy!!

  3. I was gonna say it sounds like a chili to me too, but I know one thing, it sounds yummy!!

  4. looks good ready to come and cook dinner here too?

  5. I wish I could be that creative by looking in my cabinets. Sounds tasty!

  6. That sounds wonderful! Definitely something my kiddos would enjoy as well!


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