
Friday, October 28, 2011

Things change.....

In life change is inevitable, and nothing lasts forever.  If you really think about it we change in someway everyday.  Things happen to us.  Good things and bad things.  We like change, we thrive on it.  We are constantly looking for something more in our lives to fulfill us.  We want to feel things like the thrill of competing, of accomplishment, and having a purpose in life.  We yearn, we desire, and want passion in our lives.  We want to show our love and be compassionate towards others, and most of all we want to feel loved by others.

Having said that, I must say that my blog will be changing.  In a good way I hope.  I do hope a lot.  I will be doing something I have always done since I was a little girl, writing.  Writing down my thoughts, how I feel about things. I have kept diaries all of my life.  You know what they say about the girls who keep diaries.  Tallulah Bankhead said, "It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time."  This may be true, and with a name like "Tallulah", you may have to live up to it.  Actually "Tallulah" is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Tallulah is "leaping water".   Actress Tallulah Bankhead was raised in the American South not far from Georgia's Tallulah Falls.  I knew I liked her quotes for some reason, she's my kind of gal, being from the South and all.  I digress.  Anyway,  I don't know if I am a good girl or not, who is to say?  I had some bad girlfriends and bad can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.  But I know there were times I wanted to be a bad girl in the worst way, but usually I chickened out.

So I will post my stories, thoughts, and poems, and hope that they will be enjoyed, maybe bring back some memories, something you can relate to, maybe learn something new, like where the name "Tallulah" came from, or maybe just make you smile.

Just remember, in the end, it's all about the love we give, the tenderness and passion we feel, and the hope within us that never dies.

I Wish You Love,


My love blog:

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