
Sunday, June 28, 2009

The End of the Trail

The classic Cherokee Indian statue called "The End of the Trail" is the image of a broken down Cherokee Indian and his worn down horse at the end of the "Trail of Tears" March 1839 at Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. The first time I ever saw this image was in black and white at my grandparents home when I was a little girl. My grandmother always keep it on the archway shelf so everyone could see. I found this one many years ago when we traveled to Cherokee, North Carolina.

I read this article today:

Among other things it says, "The U.S. has an obligation, based on a 1787 agreement between tribes and the government, to provide American Indians with free health care on reservations. But that promise has not been kept. About one-third more is spent per capita on health care for felons in federal prison, according to 2005 data from the health service."
We never hear much about American Indians. This article didn't surprise me, but it did make me mad.
Just thought I should post it. I'm not asking your opinion, but I just felt compelled to let others see it.
Okay, I have to admit I'm a little bit Cherokee, maybe a little biased. All my life I have felt a great love and respect for all American Indians. I am very passionate feelings about them and what they went through.

A Little Heartbroken,


  1. I know you're not asking for my opinion...but mine is the same as yours. I am 1/8 Cherokee (and proud)...


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