
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Get Cha One of These, Please

I am a true Virgo clean freak. But down through the years I have mellowed. I found this at the Family Dollar Store. I have been looking for a brush to clean my bath tub and walls, but couldn't find one that had a brush all around so not to scratch, and bendable in order to get the curves and corners of the bathtub. So I found this one, and it works great. It's supposed to be for cleaning ceiling fan blades(I use the swifter for them), but it is just perfect for ole gals like me who don't feel like getting down and dirty in my bathtub anymore. I use Comet Cleanser scrub or the blue Pinesol with water. It works great. Now that doesn't mean I don't ever give my bathtub a good scrubbing. But this works so good, and if you do it once or twice a week the bath stays sparkling clean. Oh, did I mention it's adjustable for the shorty's so we can reach all the way to the roof. Yeah, Baby!!!!!!!

This is my other little scrubber. I have one under every sink in the house. You can put your favorite cleaner in it and it works really well for the sinks and counter tops.

Just trying to make things easier for us gals who spent half our lives cleaning, and want this other half to be for pleasure only!!!! Anything to make it easier and faster is just fine with me.

I Wish You Love And A Lot Of Fun And Less Cleaning,



  1. I have one of those! But have been using it all this time for my fans. Love the idea of another use! hahah! Gee, we do spend an awful amount of time cleaning don't we? Thanks for posting!

  2. All I do when I get home from work is clean. I always say I am going home to my second job, when I leave the first. lol

  3. I am a virgo neat freak also. I am an obsessive cleaner. I have to check dollar tree for this gadget. Dont believe Ive seen one before. Love the idea.. I am a pine sol and water girl also..

  4. I love comet too! I do have one of those to clean my ceiling fans, but mine is really soft so I'm not sure it'd do much on the tubs.

    Oh that's so funny - I'm a Virgo too - when I was young I was a major clean freak. These days, well... yeah, I still like things clean but I'm no longer obsessive about it. In fact I'm a bit of a clutterbug lately and honestly, I could care less if things are orderly anymore!! I'm not sure what happened to be honest.

  5. great idea seems we can use this for both ceiling fans, tubs and even sides of the house. I also use it to dust the ceilings too!


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