
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fly, Fly Away!!!!!

This little baby Morning Dove, (that's what we call them around here), was walking and hopping around my front yard this afternoon. I panic right away when I see the little ones on the ground. I start telling them to hurry up and fly, fly away. I get scared that they can't fly because something is wrong with them, or that a one of the cats in the neighborhood might grab them up before they can spread their wings and fly up out of reach.

He let me get pretty close, so I really started to get nervous.

I followed him around for a while.

And then he finally started to flutter his winds and flew up on the fence.

Boy, I was so happy. Such a cute baby.



  1. You're just like I am! I would have worried too.
    I love all my birds, and spend far too much time taking pictures of them - when I should be doing more yard work!
    Who ever though, I would someday live in a place where parrots in the yard were an every day occurrence?:-)

    I've got a pair of doves that come in as well... and I love watching their funny little "old lady waddle"...

  2. that is the best part of my day everyday
    i wake and hear the birds singing
    it is wonderful to know all is right with the world in that one instant


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