
Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Favorite Cuban Bakery

This large tray contains little crab shaped pastries "Congrejitos" and are made with meat inside. The smaller tray contains ham croquettes, "Croquetas de Jamon". The Cuban bakery that I shop at is in Hialeah, and on the way home from my mom's house. As far as I am concerned it is the best in town. These trays are always ready and very popular at Cuban parties and get togethers, or just for a weekend treat. Everyone has to take a number and wait to be called, which is a good thing because it gives you time to decide what you want, and believe me you need the time. Everything looks so good. The "Bocadito's" are small sandwiches filled with a ham spread, and are delicious.

And then we come to the real sweet stuff. Chocolate Eclairs, Strawberry Cheesecake, Three Milks Cake(Tres Leches), Flan, and Yellow Butter Cream Cake. Omigosh..........what did I do????

One thing I did not do was make dinner!!!!!!!!
Oh well, you only live once:)
Love ya,


  1. OMG... everything sounds, and looks so delicious!!
    Now, please don't tell me that you ate all those desserts for your dinner!
    Only I would do something silly like that! ;-)

    Hey, like you said... you only live once! lol!

  2. We haven't gotten to the desserts yet. Got filled up with the sandwiches, croquettes, and meat pastries. I guess we'll have to save the desserts for tomorrow. There's always tomorrow:)


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