
Friday, July 17, 2009

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

These are the women in my family that when their feet hit the floor each morning the devil said "OH CRAP, SHE'S UP!!

My Mom, Barbara, 78 years young, 3 children, homemaker, jack of all trades. Married to my Dad for 51 years. Wonderful wife and mother. Loved to cook and feed everyone and anyone who came to our home.

Grandma Betty, born in Tennessee, beautiful, l child, worked hard and raised my mom on her own, waitress at many famous hotels on Miami Beach most of her life, had a great laugh.

Grandma Daisy, 10 children, homemaker, cook, took in family and friends who needed a place to stay and food to eat, not to be messed with, never wore pants and always wore an apron, ironed her sheets and pillow cases, took mattresses outside to air out, and would beat your ass with a switch!

Aunt Louise, l son who died at age 24 from cancer, beautiful woman inside and out, picked cotton and milked cows at 5 in the morning before school when they lived in Georgia, took care of Grandma Daisy all of her life.

Aunt Nell, adopted to girls, one died at age 24, business woman, owned Mack's Fish Camp in the Florida everglades, loved nature and animals, had many encounters with alligators, rode a four wheeler, nickname "Big Mama".

My Mom today, still spunky!!!!!

These women are very special to me and have influenced my life in many ways. They were strong, respected, loved and loving, nurturing, demanding, capable of doing anything they put their minds to. All have passed except for my mom, who still hits the floor in the morning with bells on, spunky and rearing to go. I am very thankful for that.

I Wish You Love and Great Women In Your Life To Learn From,


  1. That was just beautiful :) What lovely women!

  2. And I got a feelin' there's a piece of each one of them in you Joyce! Thanks again for sharing your family pics with us. Have a great weekend!!

  3. I love the pics of all the strong ladies in your family. Thanks for sharing this and visiting my blog. Your blog is wonderful and I'll be back again and again!!!

  4. What a lovely tribute to these amazing women who have influenced your life and each others. I am not sure how I found your site but once I saw you were a Joyce too I had to come and take a peak. I will follow along from now on:)

  5. I love that. I hope my girl thinks of me like that as she grows up!


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