
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mimi's Garlic Buns

Put 3 cloves of garlic, 2 small chunks of Parmesan cheese, about 1/8 cup of chopped parsley and about a 1/2 cup of olive oil, and salt & pepper to taste in food processor and let her spin. I just eyeball the amounts so you can add according to your preference. It also depends upon how many rolls you are making. You may need more and you may needs less. You may also have to add more olive oil depending on the thickness, because you want to be able to pour it on top of the hot buns, therefore it shouldn't be too thick. I was so carried away with the GOOPP that I forgot to take a picture of it in my mini food processor, so this is what it looked like after I took it out and poured it on the hot buns.

Bake the buns as directed on the package. Of course you can use your favorite kind buns or rolls, or you can make your own. We just happen to love these. And I really didn't have time to even think about making my own!!!!

Pour the GOOPP on top of the hot buns right out of the oven and then shred some more Parmesan cheese on top.


I Wisha Ya Lova,



  1. Mamma Mia!!! Yes, these sound awesome :D

  2. I love it! Quick and easy for a weeknight dinner, this is the perfect recipe!

  3. Mmmmm, I can't wait to try these. Neither can my family!

    Soundsa good to me!

  4. Oh my. I wouldn't be able to stop eating these. Maybe I eat a couple and make sure our friends took the rest home. That's it. They are on the menu for tomorrow.

  5. These looks groegous Joyce!! My kids would love these more than me. They love garlicy cheesy bread!!


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