
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Lunch

Since George and I are on a diet, or at least trying to be, during the week we will eating lean grilled(on my top of the stove cast iron grill) meat and veggies. Friday I grilled zucchini and yellow sqush along with a couple of Chuck Eye steaks. But, there is always a but, on the weekends we will not be soooo strict and we will enjoy a sandwich, and other foods we will not be eating during the week. Sooooooo we had this really good sandwich made of "Boars Head Buffalo Roast Chicken" and "Sargento Pepperjack Cheese" with lettuce and "Miracle Whip" of course. Sorry we are of the "Mircle Whip" generation, I guess you can blame it on our mothers!!!!! This is a great sandwich, a bit spicy and sooooo delicious!!!!! A few "Dorito's" on the side and you've got it made in the shade!!!!!!

I Wish You Love & Picnics Under The Shade of Palm Trees,


  1. I have been on a diet since mid May. I have not had a sandwich in weeks on real bread with mayo (no matter what brand of mayo). I actually get the shakes walking past Subway Subs these days:) Enjoy your sandwich and have a bite for me!

  2. Ha.. made in the shade.. havent heard that saying in a while:)

    Ive been doing Atkins for 10 days only 4 days to go.. Works like a charm, you can drop 7-10lbs in 2 weeks.

    This sandwich sounds so flavorful and so delicious!!

  3. Boars Head Buffalo Roast Chicken?! Was it just chicken or did it really have boar in it?! Where did you get it? Was it yummy?! I am so tired of our deli turkey we get every week, I need to try something new!

  4. Good luck on your diet. Wish I could get back on mine!!!! I'm definitely off the wagon.


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